
Mohammed pic


Born in Gaza in 1985, he graduated from the Islamic University with a major in history. He loved drawing from a young age so after his graduation he sought to convey his message of hope and optimism that he derived from his patriotism and the world's picture from his own eyes just through his colors.


I was born in Jaffa. I loved drawing from a young age, but it was nothing but irregular colors in the eyes of those around me, so I left it, but when I had some difficulties in joining a university, so it was an opportunity for me to express our Palestinian cause

Elia pic

Karam pic


He was born in Jerusalem in 1991 and graduated from An-Najah University after studying architecture. After his graduation, he directed to painting Palestinian architecture, especially religious places, in a free way.


Born in Beersheba in 1995, she discovered her talent in drawing in her last year of high school, so she decided to take drawing as a profession and did not follow a specific style in it, so all she cared about was that her paintings contain glimpses of Palestinian culture.

 Alaa pic